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Spring Term Overview


Fictional Writing

Children will study Baba Yaga, which is a traditional tale from another culture as their narrative focus. They will complete an Outdoor Learning experience to help them to retell and write a story based on it. Curriculum links to OUTDOOR LEARNING: Talk for writing and drama session (Spring 2)

Non-Fictional Writing

Children will be constructing instructional texts including the key features and write a set of instructions based on hygiene from a Science investigation that will be completed during the term. Curriculum links to SCIENCE: Animals including Humans (Autumn 2 / Spring 1)

Poetry Study:

We will be performing tongue twisting poetry and children will create their own nonsense poem based on Spike Milligan’s’ On the Ning Nang Nong. They will also study other nonsense poems such as Giant’s Rucksack.


Throughout guided reading this term the children will continue to read a range of genres. Children will be focussing on their prediction, inferences and deduction skills as well as reading aloud with the correct intonation and expression. They will also work on their fluency and reading speed.

Punctuation & Grammar

This term children will embed there learning about sentence structure. They will continue to learn new suffixes, contractions using the apostrophe, irregular words, homophones and subordinating conjunctions. The children will focus on using adventurous word choices to add detail and engage the reader and create expanded noun phrases e.g. adding adjectives and verbs to their writing. All children will continue to learn their common expectation words. Curriculum links to SCIENCE: Animals including Humans (Autumn 2 / Spring 1)


We will continue to develop the size and formation of our writing and continue to practice using diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters and move towards a continuous cursive style of writing.

Comprehension & Decoding Skills

Text will continue to develop our comprehension, decoding, discussion and explore inferential meanings as well as our deductive thinking.


We will be revisiting the Year 1 & Year 2 common exception words to secure our knowledge of how to spell them. We will also continue learn the rules for adding the suffixes – es – ing, –ed, –er, –est and –y to the ends of words.




This term we will revisit children’s knowledge of multiplication & division, statistics, geometry and fractions in Year 1 and then improve their understanding of these areas by learning about:



Children will identify pence and pounds, in terms of coins and notes and begin to apply mathematical skills in order to solve problems. They will learn to find the total, find change and compare money and investigate finding different ways of making the same amount. They will also learn how to solve two-step problems.


Multiplication & Division

Children will recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals (=) signs

Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts



Children will learn to write and tell the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. They will also learn about the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day and compare durations of time. They will also choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels.


Mathematical concepts will be revisited and reinforce during the term based on the evaluations completed throughout the lessons



Everyday Materials:

Children will learn about the uses of everyday materials including wood, plastic, metal, glass, brick, paper and cardboard. They will also compare the suitability of different everyday materials for different purposes. They explore how objects made of some everyday materials can change shape and how the recycling process is able to reuse some everyday materials numerous times. Children will also learn about new discoveries which have made over time with a specific focus on John McAdam. A range of learning activities are used in this topic including, discussions, debates, sequencing and a local walk where children work scientifically to identify the uses of everyday materials in the local area. Curriculum links to ENGLISH: Non Fiction Writing (Autumn 2)



Children will be investigating our local area using fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features. They will collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered from fieldwork. The children will be learning to interpret geographical information – maps, aerial photos and digital mapping.

Curriculum links to HISTORY: Significant People (Spring 1)  & ART: Sketching (Autumn 1)



This term the children will be learning about the life of Thomas Telford and understand why he was a significant person in history. They will research facts using ICT skill and continue to develop chronology knowledge by using a time line to order events in Thomas Telford’s life. They will also explore how travel has changed over time.

Curriculum links to ICT: Searching (Spring 1)



Children will be exploring colour, line and texture. They will study the artist Wassily Kandinsky and understand how he used colour within his art. They will also do a comparative study of a range of craft workers and designers including Marc Quinn & Michelle Reader.

Curriculum links to SCIENCE: Materials (Spring 1)



Children will continue to understand a wide range of musical styles. The sessions will include key skills within the model music curriculum including  listening, singing, playing, composing and performing. Curriculum links to PHSE: Teamwork



This term in computing the children will be using different programmes to develop their computing skills further. They will learn about online safety, understand the terminology associated with searching and gain a better understanding of searching on the Internet. They will also use google maps to explore aerial views and understand maps.

Curriculum links to HISTORY: Significant People (Spring 1) & GEOGRAPHY: Mapping & Aerial views (Spring 2)



Children will be visiting Weston Park to complete a day of Outdoor learning with a focus on English and writing. We will learn to build up our knowledge of a text through the process of talk for writing in an outdoor setting.

Curriculum links to PHSE: Positivity & Teamwork & ENGLISH: Fictional writing (Spring 2)



Children will learn that they can have a positive impact on groups and communities to which they belong. They will learn about community, being good neighbours and looking after the environment. They will also learn about Britain, what it means to be British, about diversity and the importance of celebrating and being respectful of our differences.

Curriculum links to OUTDOOR LEARNING: Talk for writing & drama (Autumn 2)



Children will be taking part in gymnastics lessons where they will learn a variety skills including: balancing, travelling, set sequences, jumping and shapes. They will be able to plan and repeat simple sequences of actions and show contrasts in shape. They will perform the basic gymnastic actions with coordination, control and variety. They will recognise and describe how they feel after exercise and describe what their bodies feel like during gymnastic activity. They will also describe what they and others have done and say why they think gymnastic actions are being performed well.

Curriculum links to PHSE: Positivity & Teamwork.




What do Jews believe?


Why does Easter matter to Christians?


Links made in worships and whole school events



Children will use their scientific knowledge of investigating materials to make a Baba Yaga monster that consists of different mechanisms including levers.

Curriculum links to PSHE: Positivity and SCIENCE: Materials (Spring 1)
