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Black Country Museum

There was lots to do and see at the Black Country Museum.

We went into an old fashioned house to see what kitchens were like in the past. It was very different to modern day kitchens. Everything was cooked on the range. They even heated their irons on it. The dutch oven was great for mopping up the dripping!

Did you know that the toilet was outside? Some people could even go with a friend!
The toilet paper does not look very soft and luxurious!! In fact it looks like the newspaper they used to make spills with for fire and lamp lighting. It also looks very similar to Black Country lace!
The Hardware shop was where you could buy your bath and your washing machine.
No Supermarket. Just a one shop stop. The shoes look as though they might rub and the pants look a little draughty! Still, we could get a twist of tea so that's ok.
We had to work really hard at the school. The teacher was more mean and vicious than Mrs Lloyd! Some people were told off and someone got the cane! We even had to have our hands checked to make sure that they were clean.
We also went on a tram, a bus, a barge, into a cinema and to the garage. There was just enough time to take a selfie before home.
We all had a great day out and the museum staff were amazed by how much we already knew. Well done Puffins!