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Friday 19th June 2020

Have you got that Friday feeling? That's good because it's...Friday!

My goodness me I am so tired after yesterday's wedding. It's emotionally draining! I hope you had a lovely time.

Well today we are going to finish our work on money, do some reading and make a card. Then if you have had a good week you can have some choosing time.

Enjoy your weekend.

Stay safe.

Mrs Lloyd


English: Today we are going to read for meaning. Pick a reading comprehension . (Number 3 is slightly harder and number 1 is slightly easier.) Read the passage before you try to answer the questions. Then read the questions and look back at the passage to get the answer.

Phonics: Practise your phase 5 graphemes by playing the flashcard challenge on phonics play. Then practise your phonics by reading the nonsense words. Can you make up some nonsense words of your own? Can you read them?

Maths: Today we are gong to learn the value of notes. Again if you are at home can the children have a look at a real, £5, £10 and £20 note. (A £50 if you have one!) Discuss what is on them. How many pennies is each note worth? Why do you think we have notes? Work through the powerpoint and then complete the activity sheet.

Topic: Today we are going to make a Father's day card and write a message inside. You can design your own card if you would like to or you can have a go at making the shirt and tie one below. For those of you who made one in school you need to compose a message and write it neatly inside.

Kind Kingdom- this afternoon you could have a go at completing the coding unit on purple mash. All the instructions are in the Tuesday 2nd June star and Tuesday 9th June Star of our web page.

Finish the afternoon with some quiet reading.
