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Friday 26th June 2020

Welcome to Friday everybody,

I hope you have all had a great week of learning. I have to say the work that I have seen has been fabulous! We have had fun learning about fantasy stories and all the different ways we measure time. It's time for me to tell you what is happening today starting with...

English: Today we are learning to use our reading strategies to read a story about the seasons. Look at the words carefully. Remember to segment and blend and reread to make sure you understand everything you are reading. Now answer one of the sets of questions. How many can you answer by yourself?

Spelling: Today we are going to learn how to spelling days of the week. If you are really clever try the months of the year as well. Try a spelling test first. Which ones do you already know, then you only have to practise the ones you don't know. Write them in different colours, try and think of a way of remembering them eg Wed/nes/day, how many times can you write them in one minute?

Maths: Today we are going to to learn to tell the time to the o'clock. Look at the hands of the clock. Which one is the hour hand and which one is the minute hand? When the minute hand points to the 12 it is something o'clock. The minute hand will actually touch the number 12. The hour hand isn't long enough to reach the number so it just points at the hour it is. If it points to the 9 when the minute hand is on the 12 it is 9 o'clock. Work through the powerpoint and then complete the activity sheet.

Topic: RE- Today we are going to learn about acts of kindness.Explain that Jesus said ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ (John 13:34). Because of this teaching, Christians try to help anyone, particularly those in need. Can the children think of ways the school helps people? Explain that an old word for love was ‘charity’ and often groups that help are called charities. Do they know the name of any of the charities? Explain that pupils may not have lots of money, but can do acts of kindness. Discuss ideas. Read the story of the 'Good Samaritan'. What acts of kindness does he do? Complete the activity sheet. Then reflect, What acts of kindness could you do over the next few days? Let's see how many you can do!

Finish with some quiet reading and a TREAT!

Have a great weekend.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Lloyd

