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Attendance and Holidays

Children attending school everyday is vital in helping to ensure they reach their full potential. We work hard at St Mary and St Chad First School to promote good attendance and have many children achieving 100% attendance every year. This is rewarded and celebrated at our end of year Leavers' Service. The majority of our children are keen to come to school and do not like to be absent even when they are ill! 


We realise that children can sometimes get ill and we ask parents to inform the school office as soon as possible to explain why their child is absent. If their child has sickness or diarrhoea, they need to be off school for 48 hours following their last incident of sickness or diarrhoea as this will help avoid the spread of infection. 


Absence from school is discouraged but if parents are considering taking their child out of school during the term time, the guidelines and procedures are to be followed. See documents below.
