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Hello and welcome to Swans' information page,


We hope you are looking forward to returning to school on the 6th. We are very much looking forward to seeing you. We are sure you will have lots of questions so below we have tried to predict what those questions may be and try to answer them. 


What time do I come to school and where do I go to? 

School starts at 8.55AM but the doors will open for you at 8.45AM. Come in through the HALL DOORS opposite the stage on the playground.  If this changes, a member of staff from Swans' Class will be around to help you. Go through the hall door and turn immediately left into the classroom. You will then be helped by an adult who will show you where to put your water bottle and anything else you may have in your tray. You will have your own peg in the cloakroom, again an adult will show you where this is. This peg will be yours all year and it is for you to hang your coat on. Near by the pegs is a blue trolley for your lunchbox if you have packed lunches too. Every morning there is an early bird activity to be getting on with as soon as you arrive in class so make sure you're prompt so you don't miss out :)  School ends at 3.15PM. Please ask your parents / whoever collects you to stand on the playground in front of the ramp so we can clearly see them through the classroom window to dismiss you quickly and safely.


What do I need to bring? 

As little as possible - YOU DO NOT NEED TO BRING A RUCKSACK just a small bag (like a bookbag) to put your reading book and record in. 

On the first day you will need to bring:

  •  your school pencil case provided by the PTFA with up to 12 felts tip pens and coloured pencils (we will provide the rest). No other pencil cases are to be brought into school.
  •  a water bottle
  •  a lunch box if you are not having a school dinner
  •  a coat
  • your glasses (if you wear them)


REMEMBER - You will come in PE kit so you do not need to bring this into school to put on your peg for PE days.


What about PE? 

On PE days you will need to wear your PE kit for school all day. Your PE days will be Tuesday's and Thursday's. You will come to school in your PE kit and go home in your PE kit. You will need to wear a white T-shirt, navy shorts with your school jumper and navy tracksuit bottoms/leggings or a school tracksuit. Please ensure you have trainers that you can fasten up yourself (only use laces if you can do your own). 

*Please no football kits including football socks.


What will happen at playtime and lunchtime? 

  • Playtime will be at 10.40 AM (healthy snacks must be fruit and vegetables) 
  • Our lunchtime will be from 12 noon until 1:00PM. 


Who will be my teachers and what will the classroom be like? 

Your teachers and teaching assistants will be Mrs Scotton, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Dudley and Mrs Bradford. You can see pictures of us on the link page. You will eat in the hall in sittings. 


We hope this answers some of your questions. You will feel a little nervous and that is completely understandable but we will do our best to help you to feel comfortable and happy.


Mrs Scotton and Mrs Shaw

