Welcome to the Doves Class page. This page will be updated regularly. Below you will find some home learning challenges and other useful links. In addition we will update this page with photographs and videos to show you some of the great learning that we complete and fun that we have at school!
Each week we will set some home learning reinforcement challenges for you to complete at home. Simply click on each terms icon below, then select the star with the weekly date shown to find the tasks.
There will be a 'Learn at Home' sheet which is an overview of the weekly challenges. These will usually consist of some 'Bug Club Phonics' reading and games which directly link to the sounds that we are learning in our daily phonics lessons in school. It is important to read regularly at home and reinforce recognition of the sounds taught daily in school. We will also set a weekly challenge from 'White Rose Maths' which is the scheme that we follow in school. This activity will often be practical and will help to support the topics that we cover each week in our daily maths sessions. In addition there will also be a final challenge which will link more to the topic work and creative curriculum areas that the children explore.
It would be great if you could share some examples of this home learning with us each week at school. Simply upload photographs or short video clips accompanied by a simple explanation to 'Tapestry' so that they can form part of your child's individual learning journey. We will also aim to share some of these examples in class.
Your help and support is very much appreciated.
Please click on the icons below to see all all of the fun that we have been having at school!