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Summer Term Overview


Fictional Writing

Children will focus on characterisation and description to create a story based around the genre of a journey. They will use talk for writing principles of imitation, innovation & independence to help them in developing their writing skills.

Non-Fictional Writing

Children will be constructing a non-chronological report based on the 7 continents. They will learn about the key features, grammar and vocabulary of this style of reporting. Curriculum links to GEOGRAPHY: Continents of the World. (Summer 1) We will also be writing a diary recount about the day Grace Darling rescued people from the sea using appropriate language. Curriculum links to HISTORY: Significant People. (Summer 2)

Poetry Study:

We will be studying and performing poetry based on Edward Lear’s ‘The Owl & the Pussycat’. Children will learn about descriptive, imaginative & adventurous language. 


This term children will continue to improve their skills in comprehension, inference and reading fluency using a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. Children will continue to develop their prediction, sequencing, inferential and deduction skills as well as reading aloud with the correct intonation and expression. They will also continue to improve their fluency and reading speed.

Punctuation & Grammar

This term children will embed there learning about sentence structure. They will continue to revisit and learn new suffixes, contractions using the apostrophe, irregular words, co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions. The children will focus on using adventurous word choices to add detail and engage the reader and create expanded noun phrases e.g. adding adjectives and verbs to their writing. They will also use appropriate punctuation including commas in lists, apostrophes for contraction and possession.


We will continue to develop the size and formation of our writing and continue to practice using diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters and move towards a continuous cursive style of writing.

develop our comprehension, decoding, discussion and explore inferential meanings as well as our deductive thinking.


We will continue to revisit and improve our accuracy of spelling the Year 1 & Year 2 common exception words to secure our knowledge of how to spell them. We will also continue learn the rules for adding the suffixes – es – ing, –ed, –er, –est and –y to the ends of words.




Children will continue to consolidate skills in Number, Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division to ready them for the SATs. We will also revisit children’s knowledge of measurement, position & direction and time from Year 1 and then improve their understanding of these areas by learning about:



Children will learn to write and tell the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. They will also learn about the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day and compare durations of time. They will also choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels.


Fractions Children are introduced to a variety of examples showing parts and wholes. It is important that they are secure in identifying the whole and parts of the whole. They will be learning to recognise, find, name and write fractions ⅓ ¼,  and ¾ of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. Write simple fractions e.g. ½ of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of  and ½.



Children are introduced to statistics and different representations of data for the first time. They will learn about tally charts to systematically record data. They will also learn to solve problems involving tables, pictograms and block diagrams.


Mathematical concepts will be revisited and reinforce during the term based on the evaluations completed throughout the lessons.




Children will, through investigation, observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow. They will also investigate and describe how plants need water and light to grow. They will identify and name some common plants and trees, through observing our local area and understand the different parts of them. They will also be able to identify the basic structures of well-known plants.

Curriculum links to ART: Sketching and observational drawing skills (Autumn, Spring & Summer)




Children will be investigating the use of an Atlas and use it to identify key features ad countries on a world map. They will also study the 7 continents of the world and write a report based on one they have researched. They will also revisit their knowledge of the UK and learn about the seas that surround our islands.

Curriculum links to ENGLISH: Non-fiction report writing



This term the children will be learning about the life of Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole & Grace Darling and understand why they were significant people in history. They will use different sources to research the past and also understand how hospitals have changed over time. They will look at transport and understand how ships have changed over time.

Curriculum links to ICT: Searching (Spring 1)



Children will be exploring textiles through the modern artist Julia Vondervellen who creates art through the use of paper. They will then create their own versions through the technique of weaving. They will also study the abstract artist Jackson Pollock and create their own paint spatting masterpiece.

Curriculum links to SCIENCE: Materials (Spring 1)



Children will continue to understand a wide range of musical styles. The sessions will include key skills within the model music curriculum including listening, singing, playing, composing and performing. Curriculum links to PHSE: Teamwork



This term in computing the children will be using different programmes to develop their computing skills further. They will learn about online safety, understand the terminology associated with searching and gain a better understanding of searching on the Internet. They will also use google maps to explore aerial views and understand maps.

Curriculum links to HISTORY: Significant People (Autumn 2 & Spring 1)



Children will be visiting the local area through a canal walk and they will be trying to identify plants and trees through a scavenger hunt. They will also be going on a trip to the Exotic Zoo in Telford which will revisit children’s learning.

SCIENCE: Plants (Summer 1) Living thing & their habitats, Animals including humans. (Autumn 1 & 2)



Children will learn about how we grow and change, both physically and emotionally. They will learn about their own and others’ bodies, gender stereotypes and different types of families. They will also learn about respecting their own and others’ bodies, keeping their bodies safe and sharing their feelings in response to life experiences. Children will learn about everyday dangers, in the home and outside, and how they can keep themselves safe.

Curriculum links to OUTDOOR LEARNING: Talk for writing & drama (Autumn 2)



Children will be taking part in athletics sessions where they will develop a variety of skills including: sprinting, long distance running, javelin throwing, long jumping and team-based elements. They will also be learning the fundamentals of cricket from a specialist coach. The skills they will be developing are batting, bowling, fielding and an understanding of a game-based situation.

Curriculum links to PHSE: Positivity & Teamwork.




What is the good news that Jesus brings?

What is faith and what difference does it make?

Links made in worships and whole school events




Children will use their skills from art to create a basket made through weaving. They will understand how materials can be joined in different ways and explain how to weave accurately. They will also design and make an amphibious vehicle that is constructed using a chassis, axles and wheels. They will then be able to explain why they chose certain materials and discuss what went well through an evaluation process.

Curriculum links to PSHE: Positivity and Art: Textiles (Summer 1/2)

