We feel that it is important that the children identify with the school so that there is a feeling of belonging and pride in our school. We ask parents to observe where possible the following guidelines on dress.
All items are available to purchase from our supplier Crested Schoolwear in Cannock
None logo uniform items are available from other retailers.
The uniform is currently as follows:
Navy sweatshirt or cardigan ideally with school name and logo
White shirt/blouse
Grey skirt or pinafore dress
Plain grey trousers or shorts
Navy and gold striped tie
Optional - Navy coat with the school logo for outdoors
Black school shoes
Optional - Royal blue and white check or striped dress
Rest of the uniform the same as winter
PE Kit
White T-shirt
Navy Joggers or leggings
Navy sweatshirt (plain or with the school logo)
PE kit is to be worn on PE days. See the class pages for when PE days are for your child's class.
Jewellery and Hair
No jewellery should be worn in school at any time. If your child has their ears pierced then only plain studs should be worn. Please ensure the earrings are removed on PE/swimming days. We strongly encourage that if your child wishes to have their ears pierced this should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays. Hair needs to be tied back everyday. Hair braiding, nail varnish and tramlines are not to be worn in school.
If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium please see the school office for details about purchasing school uniform.
Second hand uniform is also available, please see the school office.
Stikins - Order here! Don't forget our fundraising code 20641
St Mary & St Chad school have teamed up with Stikins to offer parents the opportunity to purchase quality labels for your children’s school uniform, whilst earning the school commission at the same time! This money can then be used to continue to help purchase some of the fantastic resources that benefit our children’s learning.
Lost property is a problem in all schools - As parents, we are aware that your time is precious, which is why we think these labels are such a great idea; they simply stick onto the wash-care label of clothing. They can even be used in shoes! Naming of clothing is a school requirement and we are hoping that with this opportunity we can start to eliminate some frustrations that surround lost items.
How it works
Each order placed quoting the school reference number 20641 will provide the school with 30% commission. Please click here to order - don't forget to add our fundraising code 20641 to your order - Postage is free and packs start at £7.80 for 30 labels.
If you have lost any items of uniform please check the Lost Property box in the school hall in the first instance.
Named items will be returned to children in their classroom - please make sure you label all uniform