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Jargon Buster

DSL- Designated Safeguarding Lead 

EAL - English as an Additional Language - Refers to children whose first language(s) is/are not English and who may not yet be speaking English fluently or even at all.


ECT - Early Career Teachers

EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage - A framework for care and education of children from birth to five years of age.

EBD - Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

EWO - Education Welfare Officer - Person employed by the Local Authority to help parents and the LA meet their statutory obligations in relation to school attendance.

FSM - Free School Meals

G & T - Gifted and Talented

GTP - Graduate Teacher Programme

HLTA - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

ICT - Information and Communication Technology

INSET - In-Service Education and Training - Training for teachers which takes place during the school year.

ITT - Initial Teacher Training

KS1 - Key Stage 1 - 5-7 years old

KS2 - Key Stage 2 - 7-11 years old

LA - Local Authority

ISP - Individual Support Plan

MFL - Modern Foreign Languages

MLD - Moderate Learning Difficulties

PE - Physical Education

PPA - Planning, Preparation and Assessment Time

PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

QTS - Qualified Teacher Status

RE - Religious Education

SATs - Standard Attainment Tests/Tasks - National Curriculum Tests and Tasks which take place at the end of Key Stage 1 and at the end of Key Stage 2.

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disability Provision - Support for pupils with learning difficulties.

SENDCO - Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator

SLD - Severe Learning Difficulties

SLT - Senior Leadership Team
