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Sports Premium

The government has announced that the Primary Physical Education and Sports funding will be continued for the academic year 2023 to 2024. For our school, this means we will receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.


Our 2016 OFSTED inspection stated that:

“The primary school sport funding has been put to excellent use. The playground is full of fixed and mobile equipment for the pupils to use and a specialist sports teacher comes into school to teach pupils and train staff. This expert help and additional resources have improved the range of sports on offer, increased pupils’ participation in local tournaments and helped to develop an impressive range of active options for the pupils during playtimes and at after-school clubs. In addition, athletes and Olympians have visited the school to talk to pupils about their experiences and achievements. All of this teaches pupils to respect effort and commitment and to aspire to excellence. “



In our 2023 inspection, OFSTED stated that:

‘Pupils achieve well, with success measured not only by how well they do in their learning, but also in what they achieve outside of lessons. Pupils benefit from many wider opportunities that are matched to their interests. Most pupils take part in after-school clubs… Many report that ‘EKO’ club is their favourite because they get to learn outdoors.’

‘The school offers a wide range of additional clubs and activities that are matched to the interests of pupils. The school sees the development of pupils’ physical and mental well-being as of equal importance to their academic success.’




After maximising all available space around school to further promote healthy lifestyles and active pupils and following the Covid lockdown, the school has placed a high important on pupil mental health as part of out 'Healthy Body, Healthy Mind' focus.

Platinum Award

Part of the Sports Funding has been allocated to enable the PE lead to develop physical activity across the school day, source equipment, meet with the school games organiser and train staff and pupils. This academic year, 2022-2023, the school was able to apply for its 'Platinum Games Mark.' We were entitled to do this because we had achieved 'Gold' for four consecutive years. This award recognises the schools commitment to maintaining and growing  engagement in school games and delivering 60 active minutes for every child to support their physical literacy, social, emotional and physical well being and creating positive experiences for our children.

As part of our evidence for this award we had to show how we had developed and sustained 60 active minutes in school. Below is our submission.


Following an analysis of the objectives and achievements from last year,  the following areas of development have been targeted in this academic year.

The reports below give information about how the previous sports funding has been used and how we plan to use the 2023 to 2024 funding. 
