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SIAMS and Collective Worship

Collective Worship

At St Mary and St Chad C.E First School, we believe that daily Collective Worship plays a very important role in the life of our school. It is an opportunity to promote the Christian foundation of the school, to celebrate and support all aspects of school life and to provide time for stillness and reflection in what is often a very busy, active day for our children. The worship reflects the special relationship we have with the parish church of St Mary and St Chad, Brewood.  


Collective Worship in school supports the learning experiences in the classrooms.  In order to promote our pupil’s learning and meet the needs of the different age groups, Collective Worship times vary in size and groupings.

The current schedule is broadly as follows –





(10.10 am)

Whole school Worship led by a member of St. Mary and St. Chad Church

Tuesday (10.10 am)

Whole school Worship led by the headteacher

Wednesday (10.10 am)

Songs and Praise


Thursday (10.10 am)

Class Worship


(9.05 am)

Whole school celebration Worship led by headteacher to celebrate the achievements of the children in school and outside school. This includes special merits, flying high awards, learning tickets, sports achievements, attendance awards etc.



The Act of Worship will be based on –


  • Half termly values
  • Special events in Christian calendar and church themes
  • Issues which arise from the everyday life and ethos of the school


The Act of Worship will include time to listen, offer personal views and ideas, sing, reflect, pray and celebrate. The structure of worship includes a time for gathering, engaging, responding and sending.


At specific times throughout the school year, celebrations of Worship are held in the local parish church.  Parents, governors and friends share in these services which are normally held during Harvest, Christingle, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Easter and the end of the school year. 


We have a worship council who help to evaluate worships by collecting pupil voice from their class and sharing them at half termly meetings. 

SIAMS - Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist School 

All Church of England schools are inspected against the framework for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. The framework provides a process for evaluating the extent to which church schools are distinctively and recognisably Christian institutions. 


In our recent SIAMS inspection, it said -


'Relationships are rooted in the school’s Christian values of friendship, peace, thankfulness,respect, courage and hope.

As a result of a deep understanding of these, pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. This leads to a culture of acceptance which permeates school life, creating a calm and purposeful atmosphere for learning.'


Read our past two reports below
