- MATHS FACTS - Learn and practise your TIME TABLE OR DIVISION TARGET ready for your weekly quiz on Friday's. Every week providing you score 38/40 on your quiz you will be given a new times table or division target to learn. If you score 37 or below you will repeat your times table or division target again until you score 38 or above. Nobody is ever on the same target for long... providing they have practised! You will also have one session a week where you practise your target in school. Please see below the order we practise and learn each target:
The order you will learn and practise your times tables are listed below:
X2, X5, X10, X3, X4, X8
X2, X5, X10, X3, X4, X8
It is the same order for division targets.
Many of you will be moving onto the division facts soon. Remember, you need to be really secure with knowing your times tables for these as they are just the inverse.