Football Club takes place on a Monday after school
Year 1 to Year 4 (and Reception from Easter) from 3.15pm to 4.15pm
Chris, who runs the club, has worked with the school for over 15 years and also runs a football club in the village. He will have another coach with him so now all children will attend 3.15pm to 4.15pm
Cost is £4 per session - payable in advance for the term. Payment details below:
What to wear/bring:
Weather dependant, sessions may be indoor or outdoor. Children should bring shorts,
t-shirt and trainers to change into. Football boots are not required.
At the end of club, please collect via the main school entrance which will be opened once the club has ended.
Children in receipt of Pupil Premium receive 1 free club session per week - please contact the office if you wish to use this credit for Football Club