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Girl's Football

Girl's Football takes place on a Friday after school 


All Girls from 3.15pm to 4.15pm


The club is run by Tyler Lyttle for girls in school -  focusing on developing the girls all round game with technique, passing and shooting drills whilst also taking part in fun filled games. 


The cost is £4.00 per session - pay a one-off payment of £20 to the details below to secure your child's place.


What to wear/bring:

Sessions will outdoors on the MUGA.  Children should bring suitable kit to change into (T-shirt/football top with shorts or leggings & Hoody) and trainers.  Football boots are not required. REMEMBER your water bottles!



At the end of club please collect via the main school entrance which will be opened once the club has ended


Sign up by emailing: 


Bank Details


Bank Name: HSBC UK 

Name: MR T Lyttle 

Account Number: 42867265

Sort Code: 40-45-19

Reference: SMSC and child's name


Children in receipt of Pupil Premium receive 1 free club session per week - please contact the office if you wish to use this credit for Girls Football Club


