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Badger Group

This week the children in this group will start Phase 4 phonics which lasts approximately five weeks. No new sounds will be introduced, instead we will focus on teaching the children to blend and segment longer words containing adjacent consonants (CVCC and CCVC words) e.g. tent, damp, spot, trip. We will also be working on quick and confident recall of all 42 phonemes covered so far. Daily reinforcement of this will help the children to embed their knowledge. We will also continue to work on reading and spelling tricky words and encourage the children to write in full sentences.


This week we will be learning to read and spell CVCC words. You could ask an adult to say the words to you and see if you can robot talk and segment the words for writing. Sample words: bump, jump, went, tent, damp, bend, mend.


See if you can practise spelling the following tricky words and also think of some sentences containing these words: he, she, me, be, we.


Finally you could have a go at reading some of the sentences from the sheets below. Remember to spot the digraphs and trigraphs, circle the tricky words and add the sound buttons before reading.
