Well would you believe it. Friday again. I don't know if the weeks are whizzing by for you, but they certainly are for me. It's merit assembly this morning. Who has the merits? There are four of you this week! It's getting hard as you are all fabulous.
I have arranged another Zoom meeting for this afternoon so please join me. You will need a whiteboard and a pen for this zoom.
We seem to have lots of spelling practise today. Can you spell your number words? Can you spell words containing 'f' phoneme? Can you spell your common exception words? How neatly can you write them? Remember try and make you spellings fun. Write them in different colours, use the whiteboard, decorate the tricky bit, think of a rhyme, can you clap a rhythm to help you to remember? Loads of different thing you can do?
Don't forget to do some reading and try and do some physical activity. Joe Wicks is dressing up today. He says it is his best outfit ever!
Have a great day and I will see you later.
Stay safe.
Mrs Lloyd