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Wednesday 3rd March 2021 and Thursday 4th March 2021

Sorry guys,

I forgot to post my message this morning so here it is a little later than usual!

You may have seen that I have combined Wednesday and Thursday in one star today. That is because we would like you to avoid using a screen tomorrow. An explanation of World Book Day and the activities we would like you to do are on the daily sheet at the end of Wednesdays. There is a huge choice of activities and I will allow someone to take pictures of the things you do because I would like to set up a 'World Book Day' icon showing all the great things you do.

Anyway back to today. Measuring by comparing, putting a traditional tale into a story plan and some more work on bridges for Mrs Kendrick. It is a fun investigation and you will need to work some things out because next week you will be designing your own bridges to make.

Sorry once again for this late message. 

Have a great day today and tomorrow.

Take care, stay safe and I will see you on Friday.

Mrs Lloyd
